The Door is Open! Stepping from the Year of Prayer into the Jubilee Year

Doors are significant.  An open door, a closed door, a locked door, they all resonate with us in different ways.  Since 1300 AD, the Catholic Church has marked every 25 years as a Jubilee Year.  From 1500 AD on, the Jubilee Year has officially begun with Our Holy Father entering through the open Holy Door […]

The Door is Open! Stepping from the Year of Prayer into the Jubilee Year
Doors are significant.  An open door, a closed door, a locked door, they all resonate with us in different ways.  Since 1300 AD, the Catholic Church has marked every 25 years as a Jubilee Year.  From 1500 AD on, the Jubilee Year has officially begun with Our Holy Father entering through the open Holy Door […]