Confession for the Anxious: Caryll Houselander’s Advice, Part I
Confession for the Anxious: Caryll Houselander’s Advice, Part I
In the mid-20th century, a British woman went to Confession one day in a (not unusual for her) state of exhaustion and depression. “What will help you,” the priest said to her in the confessional, “will be a book by Caryll Houselander called This War is the Passion. You probably won’t understand all of it, […]
In the mid-20th century, a British woman went to Confession one day in a (not unusual for her) state of exhaustion and depression. “What will help you,” the priest said to her in the confessional, “will be a book by Caryll Houselander called This War is the Passion. You probably won’t understand all of it, […]