Are married priests the answer? One of the Herald’s chaplains answers your questions
Are married priests the answer? One of the Herald’s chaplains answers your questions
Concerned Catholic: With the shortage of priests, the bishop has sent us an Ordinariate priest. He is terribly nice and so is his wife, who involves herself in all the parish activities. It has made me think: why can’t our own diocesan priests marry? I am sure that would solve the vocations problem. Chaplain: It is good
The post Are married priests the answer? One of the Herald’s chaplains answers your questions first appeared on Catholic Herald.
The post Are married priests the answer? One of the Herald’s chaplains answers your questions appeared first on Catholic Herald.
Concerned Catholic: With the shortage of priests, the bishop has sent us an Ordinariate priest. He is terribly nice and so is his wife, who involves herself in all the parish activities. It has made me think: why can’t our own diocesan priests marry? I am sure that would solve the vocations problem. Chaplain: It is good
The post Are married priests the answer? One of the Herald’s chaplains answers your questions first appeared on Catholic Herald.
The post Are married priests the answer? One of the Herald’s chaplains answers your questions appeared first on Catholic Herald.